
Medieninhaber Herausgeber:

ZELLNER Personal Lösungen GmbH

Franz-Josefs-Kai 53/2-3

A-1010 Wien

Tel.:+43 1 533 22 00
Fax: +43 1 533 22 00 15

Ust-ID-Nr. ATU66720168
DGNr. 601846809
FN 369403 s
Handelsgericht Wien

Managing Director and responsible for the content of the website: Ernst Zellner, MSc.
Competent authority: Municipal District Office of the I. District

WKÖ professional group membership: Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Professional Group of Commercial Service Providers Trade as a labor provider and employment agency
and a member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce’s “UBIT” section (management consultancy, accounting and IT) as a management consultancy including company organization and a member of the advertising and market communication section as an advertising agency.

Konzept, Design Content: ZELLNER Personal Lösungen GmbH

Webdesign technische Umsetzung: Ameisenhaufen GmbH

Photo credits: Philipp Mairhofer, istock

Datenschutzbeauftragte: Andrea Berger,, Informationen zum Datenschutz.

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