Andrea Berger, cert.
MDI Insights Consultant
Andrea Berger, cert. MDI Insights Consultant

Despite standardized candidate interviews, the four-eyes principle and many years of experience in HR in the search and selection of suitable candidates, the human gut feeling remains a dominant component. Professional personnel diagnostics provide support here in order to reveal objective data about a personality.

HR consultant and certified MDI Insights consultant Andrea Berger answers the most burning questions about color potential analysis in this interview.

What exactly does the MDI-INSIGHTS potential analysis do?

The INSIGHTS analysis was designed to provide reliable and therefore objective data on a personality. INSIGHTS simplifies the understanding of a person’s personality. The analysis answers important questions such as:

  • What drives the person?
  • What makes her tick?
  • How does she react intuitively?

But also, what values does she have, how does she behave, where do her skills lie and what is her emotional intelligence like?
Of course, this can also be worked out in long and many conversations with the candidate. We HR professionals have learned the recruiter’s craft in order to be able to do this professionally – but our market thrives on speed and intuition – and this often goes hand in hand with a certain amount of anticipation. And then you lose your objectivity.

Personnel diagnostics with insights
Exploration of a person’s motives

This is where INSIGHTS comes in, by breaking down the personality of the individual in all its complexity into individual decisive factors.
As a diagnostic tool, INSIGHTS offers proven experience in decades of worldwide use and in various forms and areas of application.
When filling a position, the requirement of job-based expertise meets the requirements of the job environment. Of course, the candidate is required to cover the hard facts of the job profile, but in addition, he or she must also have certain behaviors, and these are often much more decisive in the final filling of the position, especially if the client can choose.

Why do we use INSIGHTS?

MDI Insights
MDI Insights Wheel

Because we commission a third party, a “neutral party” so to speak, to carry out an analysis, the results of which serve as the basis for a competent candidate interview. The method is based on the insight that people can be divided into certain personality types, which are very strikingly color-coded. To a certain extent, human behaviour can therefore be generalized and assigned to certain types or colours. colors.

So away from gut feeling and towards more objectivity. The candidates’ self-awareness often creates a very trusting interview atmosphere.

I have never yet experienced the INSIGHTS’ statements being completely wrong.

The most important thing later on is that the results of the INSIGHTS are also taken into everyday working life. In teams, the visualization of the individual team members improves cooperation, communication and relationships with colleagues. The team learns to speak in colors. It helps everyone involved to better understand their own behavior patterns in the team context and this promotes appreciative interaction – or at least sometimes the realization of why this is lacking.

Accreditation Insights MDI

The results of an INSGIHTS analysis are also interesting for the private sphere. This is because a basic rule of human communication is that the recipient decides how a message is received. To do this, however, you need to know how best to communicate with your counterpart. Answers and behavioral measures can be easily derived from the analyses. I can therefore only recommend every reader here to try out an INSIGHTS analysis for themselves and to give it to their partner. If there is one thing we have learned from crises, it is that clear communication is desirable for everyone – but it is often not practiced.