Why employer branding is important for a company’s success

The birth of the employer branding concept was marked by an essay by Ambler Barrow in 1996 entitled “The Employer Brand” in the Journal of Brand Management.

Linking HR and marketing
The employer as a brand

Their approach is to link HR (brand) marketing. In doing so, the employer becomes its own brand. As a logical consequence, employees enter into a (brand) relationship with the employer. And the good old marketing approach, according to which it is more lucrative to “retain existing customers than to win new ones”, is thus also transferred to the relationship between employer and employee.

Employee, and thus corporate performance will be influenced by awareness, positive attitudes toward the “brand”, loyalty and trust that the “brand” is there for the employee.“

(Ambler, T., Barrow, S., 1996, S. 185)

Detecting corporate culture

The journey begins with the question: what culture do I need to achieve my strategic corporate goals?

Employer branding definition
Definition of employer branding

Unfortunately, this target perspective does not always correspond to the corporate culture that is actually lived and perceived. Probably the most exciting and often most enlightening journey is the search for and exploration of the actual corporate culture.

Wie stark sich die Unternehmenskultur auf den Erfolg einer Unternehmung auswirkt bestätigt eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2008 (Hauser, F., Schubert, A., Aicher, M., Fischer, L., Wegera, K., Erne, C., Böth, I.,2008).

Overall, it can be shown statistically that the corporate culture and the associated employee commitment have a very significant influence on the financial success of the company.”

(Hauser, F., Schubert, A., Aicher, M., Fischer, L., Wegera, K., Erne, C., Böth, I.,2008, S. 25)

Develop employer positioning (AGP)

The development of a strategic employer positioning is the basis for authentic communication of the corporate brand internally and externally, with existing and potential employees and current applicants. An employer positioning development project goes hand in hand with in-depth analyses of existing brand and culture-relevant aspects of a company.

Employer positioning and employer value proposition
Definition of EPP

Our HR_4.0 approach combines several methods. In addition to document and content analyses, we conduct employee surveys and focus group interviews.

Kriegler (2018) uses his positioning triangle to describe which elements an employer positioning contains. It is defined in the tension triangle of anchor, driver and differentiator elements. The weighting of the individual dimensions is largely based on the individual entrepreneurial goals.

Authentic brand promises

Employer brand and corporate brand
Employer brand – embedding

Employer brands are embedded in the general corporate brand.

The function of the employer brand or employer identity is to attract, recruit and retain employees who are a cultural fit for a company. Employer branding works internally and externally.

Accordingly, all communicative messages must go hand in hand with the employer brand promise, not only in the course of recruitment but also in employee communication. The uniqueness of the value proposition must be particularly emphasized (EVP = Employer Value Proposition).

Stringently implemented employer brand messages at all relevant points of the employer image touchpoint wheel are one of the success factors for profitable employer branding.


Ambler, T., Barrow, S. (1996). The Employer Brand. Journal of Brand Management. S. 185-206.

Corporate Leadership Council. (2006). Attracting and Retaining Critical Talent Segments. Building a Competitive Employment Value Proposition. Corporate Executive Board. Washington. London.

Hauser, F., Schubert, A., Aicher, M., Fischer, L., Wegera, K., Erne, C., Böth, I. (2008). Unternehmenskultur,
Arbeitsqualität und Mitarbeiterengagement in den Unternehmen in Deutschland: Abschlussbericht Forschungsprojekt Nr. 18/05 ; ein Forschungsprojekt des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales. (Forschungsbericht /
Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, F371). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales; Psychonomics AG; Universität Köln, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie; Great Place to Work Institute.

Kriegler, W. R. (2018). Praxishandbuch Employer Branding – Mit starker Marke zum attraktiven Arbeitgeber werden. 3. Auflage. Freiburg. München. Stuttgart: Haufe.